Boats of
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© 1999-2016
Alain Déchorgnat

Site life

Notice: this website is originally a french website. It was started in 1999 with few pages in french. In september this year, I began the english translation of some pages and I will continue to the end of the year.
As I am not familiar with english, I ask english readers to be indulgent with me. Please use the contact page to let me know about mistakes, bad expressions...

2007/11 : some translations and new pages
- New pages : dredgers Côtes d'Armor and Côtes de Bretagne, car-ferry Duc de Normandie

2007/10 : some translations and new pages
- Translation of almost every ferry pages
- New pages: car-ferry Pont-Aven

2007/09 : beginning of english translation
Translation of the homepage, menu and category pages